In the last Arts & Economic Prosperity report, the data showed that WNY arts are a $352 million industry and supports over 10,000 jobs. ASI was able to use that data to advocate for increased arts funding for the region at the National Arts Action Summit, for the continued support of the arts in the Erie County budget, and in much of our additional local and national arts advocacy work.

So you can see why the Arts & Economic Prosperity report is really important.

Even though we’re almost at the end, we still need your help to ensure that WNY meets all of the benchmarks required to participate in the AEP6 report. Here’s how you can help:

  1. If you work at a WNY arts and cultural nonprofit, check to see if your organization has completed the “Organization Survey” portion of the report. Each organization should have been sent a personalized link to complete this very important portion of the AEP6 process. Many emails have been going to spam so please reach out to Jen at “[email protected]” to be resent your link.
  2. The next time you go to your favorite arts nonprofit, ask someone there if the organization has completed their Organization Survey.
  3. We’re still completing in-person audience surveys so if you see an ASI team member at an event, make sure you stop to take a survey! We will be at CEPA Gallery on 5/12 and the North Shore Arts Alliance Art Hub Trail on 5/28.

We need everyone’s help to ensure the success of this report! Help spread the word so we can show how important the arts are in WNY.