Featured photo by Alana Adetola Arts Photography, LLC



Dear friends of ASI,


Arts Services, Inc is in the midst of a strategic planning process and we ask that you help us expand our view of needs by completing a quick survey to hear your thoughts. It should only take 5-10 minutes to complete.


You may be connected to ASI in more than one way (both work for an arts organization and a practicing artist yourself, for example). You will choose one of those roles when you complete the survey and then you are welcome to return to complete it from another perspective/role. (There are some different questions for different roles.)


This survey is anonymous. We will be looking for themes to respond to in our future planning to set our programs, services, and offerings to the field.


Thank you for considering our invitation to participate and laying the frame work for our future services for you. The survey will close on August 15th!




Jen & Team ASI