The current state of emergency caused by COVID-19 has profoundly impacted Western New York’s creative industry, and there’s only more chaos and uncertainty ahead. We wish we had answers for you; we don’t. We don’t know how long this crisis will last, or how deeply its impact will be felt by every neighbor in our community. We do know, however, that you are not alone, and that your work is seen and valued—perhaps now more than ever.

We support the arts because we know they are a source of unity and healing for communities; they bring us together and force us to reckon with the big questions of our shared experiences. When we make it to the other side of this crisis—and we will make it to the other side—we’ll need the arts to help us repair.

Why do you support the arts? WNY Arts Week begins on Monday, April 13 and will culminate on Saturday, April 18 (and includes World Arts Day on Wednesday, April 15!). Join our week-long campaign celebrating WNY Arts Week and remind the creative professionals in your life that you’re here. And help us get the word out early by adding our custom WNY Arts Facebook frame to your profile picture!


How can you show your support?

We’ll post updates on our social media pages every day. The easiest way to participate is to follow and share our posts! You can also prepare ahead of time using the resources listed below.

  • Add one of our Facebook frames to your profile picture. Simply click your profile picture and select “Add Frame.” Search WNYArts and choose one of the options. Want to show your support on other social media platforms? Download the files below.

  • Share a selfie explaining why you support WNY arts. Grab a piece of a paper, write “I support WNY arts because,” and finish the sentence! Then take a photo of you holding your sign and post it to your social media pages. Make sure you tag your photos with #WNYArtsWeek, #WeAreWNYArts, and #WorldArtsDay!


  • Share one of our infographics that explain the economic impact of the arts in WNY. We’ll share these resources on Tuesday and Friday, but you can also download the files below.

  • Share an infographic about the impact of arts education, courtesy of Young Audiences of WNY. We’ll share these resources on Thursday, but you can also download the files below.

  • Post a photo or video of you doing your art. Or, if you’re an organization, share a picture of your venue or a recent event or a resource you have made available online. Encourage your friends and followers to do the same! Don’t forget to tag your post with #WNYArtsWeek, #WeAreWNYArts, #WNYCulturalConnections, and #WorldArtsDay!


  • Not an artist or don’t work for an arts organization? Think about your favorite moments at a performance, museum, or gallery and share what local arts and cultural programming means to you.


  • Create and share your own content using the hashtags #WNYArtsWeek, #WeAreWNYArts, and #WorldArtsDay. The more we post, the more awareness we raise about how important the arts are to the culture of Western New York.