Virtual presentation | Tuesday, August 22, 2023 | 12PM

Grant writing can be intimidating and frustrating for people who aren’t full-time development or grant writing staff. 

In this free presentation, ASI’s Grants and Programming Director Holly Grant will demystify the grant writing process, show you how to find arts and culture grants, and provide grant writing tips. As a part of ASI’s “From the Ground Up” series, this presentation is geared for individual creatives and nonprofit administrators who are new to grant writing or would like a refresher course on the topic.

This workshop is free to attend and is fully virtual. Participants are able to leave their cameras on or off and participate via the chat or on camera.


Meet the Presenter

Holly Grant is the Grants and Programming Director of Arts Services Inc. As a versatile and proven arts leader, she is dedicated to ASI’s mission and vision of removing barriers for people to access the arts and helping creatives discover their potential. Bringing nearly two decades of experience working in the Western New York arts and cultural sector to her work at ASI, Holly has developed strategic partnerships throughout her career that support and connect members of the arts community.